First Post of 2022!!
Howdy!! I’ve decided to start trying to post weekly about personal and artsy progress in order to try to keep a focus on the positives in life. I’ve determined that part of what keeps me discouraged is my continued focus on things that go wrong, so I’ve resolved to turn that around in 2022!!
This past week I did actually manage to accomplish quite a bit!! To start with, I finished putting together the base wig for my Bayonetta costume. It took about a week with copious days off sprinkled in, so it was definitely freeing to finally be done with it, as well as satisfying to finally behold!!
I also finished 3D printing all of the trinkets that I originally had planned for friends and family for Christmas (very late, whoops, but December was a huge mess!!). I’m working on making some more for a few other people since I still haven’t painted and sent out the originals, so I’m learning a lot on making different kinds of models print properly!! All files so far have been acquired from Thingiverse, but a goal I have this year is to learn to model and make things that I want to print for myself.
Last year I had my husband help me to pattern a body-double of myself to have an accurate form to work with when making things where more exact proportions are important. I intended from the start to use it for my Bayonetta bodysuit since there are so many lines and cut-outs that would benefit from rather accurate placement. It’s sewn up and mostly stuffed, but I ran out of what I started stuffing it with; however, I got an idea after brainstorming with my husband, so it should be fully finished and fully functional today!!
I also finally watched season 1 of Bridgerton. To be honest, I didn’t know that it was based on romance novels, so it was definitely a lot more… sensual… than I was expecting, but I still really enjoyed it!! Looking forward to season 2 this spring!!
And finally, I organized my vanity!! I’ve had my makeup in a little drawer in this vanity, but always kept my more used items out on top, and no matter how I arranged it it would always end up a massive mess. I got really discouraged and kind of gave up on having a clean surface for a while, but I somewhat recently got some cute clear plastic organizers for my things, and now there’s no excuse for any mess moving forward. The vanity looks so much nicer now!!
I also have a list of resolutions and a list of planned costumes for the year, but I’ve decided to keep them private and only announce when I’ve accomplished an item from them. I may do a post at the end of the year going through what I accomplished generally and from my lists, but for now they’re secret!! Overall I’m feeling hopeful and motivated after slogging through a lot last year, so hopefully I can maintain my high spirits and make some progress personally, professionally, and artistically!!