
17 January 2022 - Big Progress This Week!!

This week I managed to get a bunch done!!

First, the Lylla doll that I ordered from Moonlight Jewel came in, and all the extras are there and in tact!! I’m thinking of ideas for how to paint the faces, and I may make them into two anime characters who I think fit the alien narrative that goes with the doll well!! I also chose the characters I’m gonna turn my Bean dolls (also from Moonlight Jewel) into!! (Spoiler: they’re Animal Crossing characters)

Then, I modeled and printed Bayonetta’s various buckles, her zipper pull, and the plates that hang from her arms and calves. I also drew out her bracelets and cut them from their base foam layer with my Cricut. I was definitely using the wrong settings, though, so after trying to cut it a few times I had to go over all the lines with a knife to cut it out by hand lol!! I also finally managed to get a decent print of the charms for her pistols from files by OddWorks on Thingiverse. The next steps for the prints are fixing/sanding, priming, and painting. The next step for the bracelets is gluing them to some shiny pleather.

I also started working on making a glove pattern that fits my hand decently. I have kind of big hands, and especially long fingers, so purchased gloves and gloves made with commercial patterns do not ever fit my hands well, which means they’re uncomfortable and limit my mobility. That also means they kind of look bad, and if I’m trying to make a decent-looking costume, why would I just slap random gloves with it that I know will look bad before I even buy or make them?? It’s taking a lot of revisions and alterations, but I know it’ll be worth it in the end.

The past few days I’ve been taking the time to get my studio/office in order, and it feels great to be so close to done. I’m so ready to have a clean, organized place to spend so many of my waking hours!! On top of normal organization kind of things, I hung up my costumes together, bagged up my unstyled wigs, organized my shelves and drawers, and rolled my fabric up on mini bolts that I cut from extra cardboard!! Everything in this room is now grouped together and in its place, so the last things to do really are finalizing the organization of my desk and sweeping my floor. And emptying my trash cans oop-

Every day I have a problem with feeling like I haven’t been productive enough, but just making these posts to wrap up the past two weeks has started putting my own accomplishments into perspective. I hope I can keep up this habit because I really do think it’ll be good for me, plus it’ll be a fun little thing to look back on in the future!!

Danielle Hardesty